Sunday, September 19, 2010

And then there were 3...

Life is amazing! Kailyn is 2 months old, smiling, gooing and is the perfect baby to complete our family. I am so grateful that God gave us such a precous gift. She has completed my heart and I can not wait to watch her grow up. Noah has started transition and goes to school 5 days a week. He is doing awesome and his teacher said he is doing comparatively well in writing. It only surpises me because he thinks it is "boring." lol Andrew is home with me and Kailyn and I cherich the time we have together. He can always bring a smile to my face. When he thinks he puts his finger to his cheek and taps, hilarious. Brad commented the other night on how much the boys love life...sometimes they are loud and crazy but they are just totally in love with life. That sums them up the best. Everything brings them joy and their honest and frequent expression of that joy is amazing. Evrerywhere I look I see another person that makes me smile. It can't get any better than this.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kick kick

I am feeling the baby move all the time now! It is still a crazy feeling even though it is the third time. I can't wait to feel the little hiccups the boys had all the time. I still can't believe it's a girl but I am having fun shopping. It is also fun to think about how she will be, how the boys will be as big brothers, and just how different life will be when the little princess is born. I know she will complete our family and I know God meant for her to be in our lives. It makes me smile thinking of His plan and how He made it happen. We are blessed!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Noah and God

I told Noah yesterday I wasn't feeling to good. He said that he and daddy would pray for me. He said he would ask God to come in to my heart and make me feel better. He said God always does that for him and everyone else, makes us feel better by coming into our heart. I love that he already believes and feels God's protection.