Sunday, December 13, 2009

Graduation reflections

I walked in my college graduation yesterday. I was emotional about my accomplishment. I am especially hopeful that my graduation will serve as a reminder to my boys that they can accomplish anything and nothing should ever get in their way. I hope they get inspiration at some point in there lives from my experience. Most of all I thank God for giving me the strength and passion to persevere through it all. Anything is possible!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I love this year! Noah is asking so many questions about Jesus. He asked about His birth then we talked about Easter. He asked how He died and where the bad guys came from. I love that he cares about Jesus who truly is who we celebrate on Christmas. I can only pray he continues in his faith walk which has become revealed through Christmas. He is also quite excited about Santa. I have always loved Christmas but there is a new joy experiencing it with my children.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I just love watching the boys grow up together and really love each other. Andrew spontaneously kisses Noah and vice versa. They kiss and hug just because they want to and it warms my heart. Watching them laugh, play and create memories is a gift and I treasure their love for one another. Noah is already a great big brother and I can only hope Andrew will follow in his footsteps.